Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Silly girl

Roxy wasn't feeling very well last night,but that didn't stop her from having a good time laughing with Mommy!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 2012

Phew! We're getting caught up...

February has been a month of ups and downs so far. Roxy started sitting up without support (we still put a pillow behind her sometimes - makes us nervous). She started swim lessons - hooray! She is a little fish - like her mama. She is also tall enough now to use her saucer. She loves it!

On Saturday, February 4th, Great Grandma Fay passed away. We were so glad to have been able to see her in December and to have her meet Roxy. We went out for the service and got to spend time with family - special time. You can see some pics of Roxy and Ronan sleeping in Grandma's house. It was wonderful to get to see Uncle Joel and Aunt Joan, and cousins Ali and Zach. And Aunt Helen was a gracious host letting us stay at her house.

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January 2012

After a crazy November and December, we settled into a more quiet January. Some funny shots of her under the couch. We were a little late on the 5 month picture...but she's still a peanut!

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December 2011

We had a big December. We went to Los Angeles with GG and Papa, Auntie Sarah, Uncle Dave and cousins Ronan and Mac and saw a bunch of family and friends. Roxy got to meet her namesake, Great Grandma Fay. We also got to see my dad, so she got some Grandpa and Nana time. They completely spoiled her with early Christmas presents. We also got to see some of Rachel's college friends - Tricia and her new baby Grace and Stacy and Tony and their kids Georgia and Piere.

Right before the holiday, Mommy took Roxy to work for the day. Check out the picture of her sleeping under my desk. Hehe!

Then we got to celebrate Christmas at GG and Papa's. Roxy was ridiculously spoiled yet again. We also started solid foods in December. She's still not sure about them... :)

Finally, we went out for an early sushi dinner with Sarah, Dave and the boys for New Year's Eve. Delish!

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More November 2011

Right before Thanksgiving, Roxy started rolling over. Once she learned that trick, she was unstoppable. Rolling across the living room, the bedroom, often ending up under furniture.

She also took her first airplane flight in November - going to Pensacola, Fl to visit her Gooma (Grandma Jeannine), great-grandma GranMargaret, Auntie Kim and Uncle Ben and Cousin Ronan. She had a wonderful time.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's been a month!

Sorry it's been so long since our last post. Going back to work sure does make the time at home with Roxy precious. Here's some of the highlights of the last month.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011